Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Finger Paints

I know this isn't something you will want to cook for dinner, but I thought it was a super fun and very convenient recipe to have so I am passing it along. Hope you all enjoy it too!!

Finger Paints
3 tbs. sugar
1/2 cup cornstarch
2 cups cold water
food coloring
pinch of detergent

Mix the sugar and cornstarch, then add water. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until well blended. Divide mixture into four or five portions and add a different food coloring to each, plus a pinch of detergent to facilitate cleanup.


Chaney said...

Hannah, does this stain or does the detergent keep it from staining?


Hannah said...

Umm . . . I am not sure actually. I usually don't take the chance, and strip off all clothes. Sorry I am of no help.