Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hawaiian Meatballs

1 pound ground beef
½ cup breadcrumbs, moistened with milk (I’ve never moistened them with milk)
1 beaten egg
1 clove garlic, pressed
2 tsp. dry mustard
1/3 tsp. ginger
½ tsp salt
1 TB soy sauce
Form 1 inch meatballs and sauté until brown in:  2 TB oil. 
Have a paste of the following ready:
                2 TB cornstarch
                ½ cup chicken broth
                2 TB soy sauce
Melt in a heavy pan:
                2 TB butter
                Add: 1 cup chicken broth
                         ¾ to 1 cup diced green peppers
                        6 slices pineapple, diced (I use pineapple chunks or tidbits)
Cover and let simmer 5 minutes)
                Add the cornstarch paste and the following ingredients to the peppers and pineapple:
                                ½ cup vinegar
                                ¾ cup pineapple juice
                                ½ cup sugar
                                ½ tsp salt
                                ¼ tsp ginger
                Simmer  stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens.  Serve with Rice.


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